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Creates a grid layout informed by the design spec


card_grid(..., icons = FALSE, top_row = NULL, description, infoboxes, graphs)



Any number of tags or tagLists or lists (each treated as a separate entity to be housed in a row.). shiny.tags and shiny.tag.lists, if named, will be inside of a bs4Card with the name as the title on it's own row. A list with named objects will be on a row with individual bs4Cards.


shiny.tag/shiny.tag.list All elements belonging to the top row


A shiny tag or tagList to be added to the description box


(named list/tagList) with length divisible by 12. Will be added to the right of the description

  • named_list A named list of values to be put into infoboxes. Infobox will be titled by the name of the list item.

  • tag/tagList shiny tag or tagList of items to include. These will individually be added to appropriate sized columns.


shiny.tag/shiny.tag.list Graphics to be placed in the further right column of the top summary area


A shiny::fluidPage with the grid layout