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Create a bootstrap 4 Alert box


bs4Alert(..., status = "primary", style = NULL, id = NULL, width = 6)



Contents of the box.


The status of the item. This determines the item's background color. Valid statuses are defined as follows:

  • primary: #007bff .

  • secondary: #6c757d .

  • info: #17a2b8 .

  • success: #28a745 .

  • warning: #ffc107 .

  • danger: #dc3545 .

  • gray-dark: #343a40 .

  • gray: #adb5bd .

  • white: #fff .

  • indigo: #6610f2 .

  • lightblue: #3c8dbc .

  • navy: #001f3f .

  • purple: #605ca8 .

  • fuchsia: #f012be .

  • pink: #e83e8c .

  • maroon: #d81b60 .

  • orange: #ff851b .

  • lime: #01ff70 .

  • teal: #39cccc .

  • olive: #3d9970 .


(character) Inline style parameters to add


Card id.


The width of the box, using the Bootstrap grid system. This is used for row-based layouts. The overall width of a region is 12, so the default card width of 6 occupies 1/2 of that width. For column-based layouts, use NULL for the width; the width is set by the column that contains the box.

See also

Other ui: acc_list(), add_sass(), box_list(), bs_extract_status(), bs_statuses, col_10(), col_11(), col_12(), col_1(), col_2(), col_3(), col_4(), col_5(), col_6(), col_7(), col_8(), col_9(), col_auto(), copyright(), css_props(), dynamic_row(), enurl(), fa_arrow_icon(), icon_sb(), infoIcon(), jq_hide(), list_to_li(), list_to_p(), make_action_button(), make_columns(), rep_br(), tagRemoveAttributes(), ui_row(), ui_tabs(), undisplay(), with_red_star()